COPD Athlete Russell Winwood

COPD doesn't have to define you, and Russell Winwood is living proof. Known as the "COPD athlete," Russell demonstrates that people with COPD can control their lung health, continue to live active lives, and achieve their goals. After receiving a COPD diagnosis in 2011, Russell shares his story to raise awareness about COPD with the hopes of helping others. After years of unmanaged asthma and 20 years of smoking on and off, Russell was diagnosed with COPD at age 44. While training for an Ironm

What Is Medical Grade Oxygen and Why Do I Need an RX?

No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post. Medical-grade oxygen contains a high enough oxygen purity to treat conditions that lower blood-oxygen levels. The oxygen purity level is determined by the amount of other gases mixed with the oxygen. And although we breathe oxygen from the air around us, we only breathe about 21% oxygen. Air also contains about 78% nitrogen and a small percentage of other gases. For people with healthy lungs, 21% oxygen is sufficient. However, certain medical co

Why Do I Wake Up Gasping For Air?

Waking up gasping for air, choking, or coughing can feel terrifying. Nightmares may occasionally cause people to wake up in distress. But regularly waking up coughing, gasping for air, or choking could be a sign of a potentially serious medical condition. We cover some common health conditions that cause shortness of breath during sleep, which can lead to waking up gasping for air. People with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may wake themselves or a bed partner because of snoring, choking, or ga

Nectar Premier Copper Mattress Review 2023

If you’re looking for a luxury memory foam mattress with standout contouring and quality materials, the Nectar Premier Copper Mattress might be the one for you. With a higher profile than many all-foam mattresses on the market, there’s plenty of room for several inches of pressure-relieving foam plus a dense, supportive base. The mattress incorporates several features aimed at temperature control, making it potentially appealing to those who like the hug of memory foam but tend to sleep hot. O

Portable Oxygen Concentrator Maintenance Guide

No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post. Your portable oxygen concentrator (POC) keeps you active; it’s your lifeline and keeps you breathing comfortably throughout the day. Because your POC is vital to your life, you want to maintain it to ensure it works correctly and lasts. These days, manufacturers provide low-maintenance machines. But POCs still require routine cleaning and maintenance. We’ve put together a portable oxygen concentrator maintenance checklist so you understand how t

Home Oxygen Concentrator Maintenance Guide

Like all machines, stationary home oxygen concentrators (HOCs) require routine maintenance and service to ensure they operate correctly. Properly caring for your HOC also lengthens its lifespan. Fortunately, HOCs are easy to care for. We put together this maintenance checklist to show you how and answer your questions. Follow these general guidelines to keep your HOC running efficiently. However, note that these are general guidelines; each m

How Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss?

People have a variety of different reasons for trying to lose weight. And while many of us tend to focus on food choices and exercise, sleep is also a vital part of the body weight equation. Sleep impacts everything from metabolism to appetite. It can either help or hinder weight loss efforts, depending on if you’re getting your recommended hours of sleep or not. So if you’re struggling with maintaining or losing weight, it’s probably worth it to take a look at your sleep habits. A wide variet

Nutrition and COPD

If you have COPD, you’re aware that you must take your medicine, avoid smoking, and follow your doctor’s orders to live your healthiest life. What you may not know is that the food choices you make can affect how you breathe. There isn’t one food that contains all the nutrients. Eating various foods helps you get the vitamins and minerals you need. Including a registered nutritionist (RDN) in your healthcare team can help get your nutrition on track. Here, we’ll look at why food matters and wh

Sleep Problems in Middle Adulthood

As people get older, sleep patterns change, which can create a variety of sleep problems. For example, some people start having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, while others find themselves waking up earlier than desired in the morning. Experts suggest middle-aged adults get at least seven hours of sleep every night. But changes during middle adulthood may cause people to get less sleep overall and spend a smaller proportion of time in deep sleep, a sleep stage that helps a person wake

Pulmonary hypertension: A simple guide

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) damages the right side of the heart, creating problems delivering oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Without treatment, PH results in heart failure. But early detection of PH allows for early treatment and improved outcomes. Pulmonary hypertension means that you have high blood pressure in your pulmonary arteries, the vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs. Many people mistake PH for "regular" hypertension, but they're two different co

Best Sleep Supplements for Menopause

Menopause is the phase of life when the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone. Changes in hormones can lead to a range of symptoms that affect a person’s physical and emotional well-being. In particular, getting a good night’s sleep is a common challenge for those going through menopause. There are likely many reasons why the process of menopause affects sleep, such as hormonal changes, life stressors, having other medical conditions, or dealing with symptoms like hot flashes. Regard

Diabetes and Sleep

It’s not always easy to get a full night of quality sleep. In fact, one-third of adults in the United States don’t sleep enough. Sleep loss can lead to higher risks of serious health problems, including type 2 diabetes. Managing diabetes becomes difficult when you don’t get enough sleep. For example, sleep affects food choices and how your body reacts to insulin. People with diabetes are also more likely to have sleep disorders. We discuss links between diabetes and sleep as well as tips to hel

ndd TrueFlow Technology used at great depths in freedivers

Researchers at Oceanogràfic are using ndd's TrueFlow Technology to test freedivers' lung function and gas exchange. With freedivers facing challenges that include pulmonary barotrauma and emphysema, this research is critical to understanding how freediving affects lung health. Freediving is the practice of diving into deep waters with only one breath, using no breathing apparatus. Freedivers are highly skilled and trained to descend into the ocean while holding their breath. Freedivers dive f

Best Trail Running Shoes for Women

Best Trail Running Shoes for Women Whether you run or hike, you need the right running shoes. With so many features and options for trail runners, finding the best trail running shoes for women can feel like a challenge. Whether you’re looking for a wide-toe box, the best waterproof trail running shoes for women, comfortable trail shoes, maximum cushion, or optimal traction, we have found them for you. In this guide, we’ve put together a list of the best trail running shoes for women to help you decide which features to look for.

Why Am I Sleeping So Much? The Causes Of Excessive Sleepiness

Feeling excessively tired is one of the most common medical issues related to sleep. In fact, about 20% of adults regularly feel so sleepy during the day that it affects their ability to function at home, school, or work. Common causes of excessive sleepiness include insufficient rest, sleep disorders, mental health conditions, medical conditions, and medications. If you frequently feel tired or doze off during the day, you may want to know more about conditions that cause excessive sleepiness.

Benefits of Naps

If you stayed up late last night, couldn’t sleep well, or worked a long or irregular shift, you might be thinking about taking a nap. And that’s understandable. Naps can relieve tiredness and help you stay sharp throughout the day, whether or not you’ve had a good night’s sleep. Experts recommend that most adults get seven to nine hours of sleep a day. Getting less than the recommended amount creates a sleep debt that can build up over days. To pay off your sleep debt, you need to sleep. Altho

Guide for Troubleshooting CPAP Problems and Issues

No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post. When working properly, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines offer an effective treatment for sleep apnea. CPAP machines should remain quiet and help you get restful sleep. But in some cases, these machines feel uncomfortable, make noise, or cause side effects. If you experience any of these problems, do not give up on wearing your CPAP. Remaining compliant with your CPAP therapy helps prevent more serious health conditions. This

Best Running Gear for Women

Runners know the importance of running shoes, but failing to use other gear can cause some discomfort, especially on longer runs. The best women’s running apparel consists of maximum support sports bras, supportive leggings, comfortable socks, compression socks, and hydration vests. The right gear provides support and comfort, allowing you to forget about distractions and focus on the road ahead. To make it easier for you, we’ve selected some of the best running gear for women and put our list in this guide.

ndd's TrueFlow Technology used to study lung health in Penguins

Researchers at Fundación Oceanogràfic are using ndd TrueFlow Technology to study the lung function of Gentoo penguins. The Fundación Oceanogràfic is a non-profit organization program aiming to improve scientific knowledge about ocean life. Little is known about how penguins avoid trauma while diving, and that's where ndd's TrueFlow Technology comes in. To better understand this research, let's dive into a penguin's respiratory system for a closer look. Although penguins are aquatic predators,
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